My Summer Vacation

My summer started with a BANG! I celebrated my 11th birthday on the fourth of July in Saskatoon with a lot of my family. After that, everything seemed to fly by, partly because I had family from both my parent’s sides coming. I had lots of fun playing with them, however, it can be pretty tiring.

The few days in between my mom’s side leaving (they had come for my cousin’s wedding), and my aunt and uncle along with my two cousins on my dad’s side arriving was my time to exhale and relax. I slept in and basically did nothing all day. That was probably the most boring time in my summer because I had nothing to do. On the fifteenth of August, Lila and I took a babysitting course together from St. Johns Ambulance. During the course, we learnt about child safety and how to care for children and babies alike. We also learned how to save a choking kid or baby as well as learning CPR. It was one of the most important and valuable things that I learned this summer.

I thought that the end of my summer holidays would be spent rereading the Percy Jackson series but when my parents surprised my sister and I with a trip to either Waskesiu or Edmonton, it turns out I was wrong. I was leaning towards Edmonton, of course but all that changed when I saw the wildlife in Waskesiu. We ended up going there. It proved to be a good decision, but that’s another story. As my mom puts it, “Edmonton is just another big city. Don’t you want to try something different?”.

Then, the worst happened…nah, just kidding! There was a bit of a downside though. We had gone swimming and I came back with an earache! My dad said to just let it be, and boy, was he right! I felt way better the next day, so we were able to go biking around the main strip. Too bad that it was a chilly day! Luckily, we spotted a café and were sipping hot chocolate before you can snap your fingers.

Eventually, the weather turned sunny and we got strapped into harnesses, clipped to thick wires and ropes, and climbed the steep ladder (while clutching the bar, might I add) that brought us to our first zip line! We were part of a zip line tour that swooped through the trees, flew over the lake, and slipped over a marshy area. After my family registered how freaky and exciting heights were, we were ready. I went second and looked down right before I pushed off the platform. You’re probably thinking that I was scared. Guess what? I didn’t feel afraid, just a twinge of excitement. It was an activity that I never thought in a million years I would ever do. As I zipped through the air I couldn’t think about anything else but how far you could see across the forest as you whizzed by. It was probably the thing that I was most proud of because I was always a bit afraid of heights (That probably comes from my mom). As well as beign the thing that I was proudest of, it was also my favourite things I did during the summer. All in all, it was an experience that I will never forget.

This summer I did many things, both thrilling and fun. From zipping across the forest to playing random games like Monopoly or Blokus with cousins on rainy days, my summer break will be one to look back on.



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